mardi 26 février 2019

Journal club dates in spring 2019

The dates of the journal club until summer 2019 are:

  • Fri, May 31st volunteer needed!                                                                      
  • on Friday, May 10th , Emil Martinec will explain the core ideas in ``JT gravity as a matrix integral'' by Saad, Shenker and Stanford  arXiv:1903.11115, which attempts a nonperturbative definition of (nearly) AdS2 quantum gravity through matrix model techniques. This work follows on a rich history of attempts to quantize 2d gravity, some of which will be described.  Background material for these aspects of the discussion is older work on the relation between matrix models and Liouville gravity on which much of their discussion is based:

  • on Friday, Apr 19th , Ander Retolaza will present an overview of `` On de Sitter vacua in String theory compactifications’’  based on 1804.01120, 1808.08967 and 1610.01533. Additional material can be found in hep-th/0007018, hep-th/0105097, hep-th/0301240, 0805.1029.                                                                                   
  • on Friday, Mar 22nd, Monica Guica  will present the paper « Local subsystems in gauge theory and gravity" by William Donnelly and Laurent Freidel Additional material can be found in by the first author.

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